So on the quest to create the "best" chocolate chip cookie recipe out there I must state that I will be on a crazy chocolate chip cookie bake-a-thon. Pictures will come with the challenge. I'm sure it has been done before but it's worth my time to make my favorite pastry PERFECT! Let's just hope I don't get too sick of my favorite cookie, or the bf won't either. He's my number one taster, not by choice anyway, which doesn't really help when I ask, "what do you think hunnie? and don't lie.." to which he always replies with, "it's good." Plain and simple but that's his response to all the things I shove in his face, yes, I said SHOVE.
I begin my chocolate chip cookie craze-- TONIGHT :) So stay tuned for pictures and recipes, my do's and don'ts, my crazy tangents that always seem to sound better in my head than when I say it aloud and lots and lots of CCCs!
This will be me at the end of all of this :)
Until next time...
cookie cookie coookie coookie coookie coookie
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