Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Carrot Cake

"Let them eat cake!"
- Marie Antoinette

I've been hearing that a lot lately. I imagine her in this huge white wig with alot of cakes around her. Weird, I know.

Anywhoooo I baked a lovely carrot cake. With lotsa carrots and frosted with lotsa cream cheese for the one and only Max Bayer who leaves for the coast guard academy soon. I made the frosting with the CUTEST vintage hand mixer from the 70s.

Isn't he cute!? I borrowed it from the bf's cousin, who had it from their late Mama. It has the CUTEST beaters ever!!! So small yet powerful. Kinda like my cake. It's plain and simple yet delish.

So clean. I <3 it. Goodnight world it's waaay passssss my me-me time. Heart, Noey

Ps. I forgot to give credit where it's due: taken from Lovintheoven I made 3 layers but the cake only has 2. I'll let you figure out where the other layer went. Let's just say I should go for a long walk tomorrow ;-)

•2 cups AP flour
•2 cups sugar
•2 tsp baking soda
•2 tsp baking powder
•2 tsp cinnamon (I added 4 tsp for extra spice)
•3 cups shredded carrot
•1 cup chopped walnuts
•4 eggs
•1 cup vegetable oil
•1/2 cup water
•8 oz cream cheese (only use Philadelphia brand!)
•1 cup powdered sugar
•2 tsp vanilla
•1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
•few drops of water

Bake @ 350. What I love most about this recipe is that it's very low maintenance. As much as I heart Zoe, and Tom (my hand mixer) I love using a wooden spoon and bowl. Life's joys are the simplest things. Of course for the frosting I wasn't about to make it by hand, hence the vintagey mixer =) Use any pans you want. I used 3-8in round pans.

Ok ok seriously. goodnight


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