Friday, March 4, 2011

Red Velvet Birthday Cake


Ah, red velvet. I have yet to post my recipe for that so that's exactly what I'll do here. I've tried many recipes of red velvet and have sorta written my own. Weird, eh? I'm turning Canadian now. Let's move on to the recipe:

1/2 C unsalted butter, room temp
2 C sugar
2 eggs, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 C unsweetened cocoa
2 T red food coloring
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp white vinegar
1 C buttermilk, room temperature

Preheat: 350 degrees F

1. Cream butter & sugar together.
2. Add eggs 1 at a time.
3. Add cocoa, food coloring & vanilla extract.
4. Whisk flour, baking powder & salt together.
5. Add flour mix and pour in buttermilk. Not too long.
6. Mix baking soda/vinegar together then fold it into batter.
7. Bake for 25-30mins.

Makes 2 layer 9in cake.

Cream Cheese frosting

8oz cream cheese
5 C powdered sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla

Mix all that wonderful goodness together-- add a tablespoon of milk to obtain the consistency you want.

I heart my rv recipe. I'm not going to claim it's the best... but... it's the best. So shush. Don't judge and let me indulge in this. You should indulge too. Try my recipe... let me know how it goes!

I made this cake for a little girl named Noel. It was her 11th birthday. She has a cool name. And NOOOOoo I'm not just saying that because it's my name too... I spell it differently but we still have the same level of awesomeness ;)

Do you see that pretty lady below? That's my BFFF. She's getting married in a few weeks and I thought I'd share some of the bridal shower pictures with you :)

I made flower center pieces for the tables. We used them for decorations then as party hats. Well not really but we like to think that they're better as party hats.

This was taken during one of the wedding shower games, making a wedding dress out of toilet paper. My partner in crime was my bestfriend's older sister. We were eliminated the first round because, according to the bride, ours didn't have enough fabric. I liked it. Can't please everyone, I guess.

The big day is March 19th. Oh and guess what I get to make... any body? any guesses? .....

anyyyyy........... bodyyyyy?

Ok, ok I'll tell you.
Her wedding cake!

So from now until then...

I'll be googling, measuring, making a list (and checking it twice--- er ummm it's not Christmas and I'm not Santa but that's neither here nor there..), let's say I'll make more than one list and will be sketching tons of pictures... It will be my first wedding cake so I'm pretty excited. There's stacking, dowels, large layers and lots of testing my patience involved.

It's gonna be a crazy ride... go buy your ticket so you can ride with me. Oy, what is this a carnival? Well my kitchen will be in the next coming weeks.

Stay tuned.
-- Noey


Anonymous said...

If you only spent as much time as you do on this blog you'd be a doctor by now. In other words, you got some PhD work going on here! Thumbs up.

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