Wednesday, March 16, 2011

THE wedding cake: the maddness...

Do you hit snooze when your alarm goes off?

I'm very guilty of that. Every morning I wake up hitting the snooze button AT LEAST 4 times. Twice on my phone and twice on my actual alarm clock. That's a lot of hitting. I'm suprised they haven't hit me back yet...

I seem to want to wake up at the exact same time every morning, 5:27am, except when I'm feelling a little behind at work, well then it's 5:15am.

This morning was different, well sorta. Instead of dragging myself out of bed I got up instantly and thought "it's my Friday!" And I still woke up at 5:27, nonetheless.

The bestfriend is getting married this weekend.

Did I mention that yet? So in the midst of all the craziness that's going on let me show you what I've been up to....

I should have taken a picture of my hair. My crazy, out of this world, hair. It tends to get pretty funky on me when I'm in the zone with baking.

Do you see what evil my oven has done to this perfectly baked cake?

I made flowers too. Check out the fancy flower formers, aluminum foil. I'm too cheap to buy the real kind at the store, but seemed to work better than I expected. But let me tell you these flowers are finicky, delicate, dainty little things. I take one look at them and a petal cracks. I did NOT sign up for THAT. Must amend gumpaste/fondant ratio.

I had to include the picture of my black fondant bucket. Every time I look at it a voice in my head cackles, "mUaHHahHahahHHHH AH."

Such an evil laugh for a fondant bucket. You're made of sugar, how evil can you be?

And that's what going on around my house...

FROSTING the cakes...

wompppp wommmp wommmmmmmmmmmp.


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