Monday, March 21, 2011

THE wedding cake: finale

Is it ok to eat stale food? Like chips or croutons that weren't sealed properly?
I mean really, who is it REALLY hurting?
No one, right?

=) Look at that happy couple!
Congratulations to Derek & my BFFF Dianne 03.19.11

I hope you guys enjoyed my journey of my first wedding cake as much I enjoyed making it. Sooooo.... if you missed a few posts, here ya go:

The beginning
The middle
The break

... and now I bring you the finale.

There was lots of rain, lots of craziness, lotsa people and oh did I mention that crazy rain?!

The crazy rain that wanted to pour when the cakes were being transported?

The crazy rain that wanted to storm when the cakes were being brought from my car to the venue?

The crazy rain that wanted to try my patience as I put the cake back into my car from the venue because of the crazy site controller lady?

The crazy rain that THANKFULLY made my car into a mini refrigerator over night because the crazy site controller lady at the venue wouldn't let me leave it there due to "vermon, rats, ants and outside animals" that may want the wedding cake. CRAZY LADY. I think she made everyone crazy and frustrated.

NONETHELESS.... the entire process went wonderful. The wedding was wonderful. Tears were shed, hugs were exchanged and the bride to be helped me with taking pictures for you all. So thank her for documenting all the steps.

Thank her for saying prayers to calm my insane nerves that didn't want to stay still to stack the cake.

Thank her for showing you my dress with the rain boots due to the wacky weather.

Thank her for sharing her special day with you all.

I'm still a bit emotional from the event... it's not obvious, right?

For the cake recipes... Dianne loves--such a light word to describe her relationship with chocolate but it's gonna do- chocolate. So I made my:

SUPER MOISTEST CHOKET CAKE with chocolate buttercream and vanilla buttercream for the outside. I made 3 tiers: 2-10", 4-8", 2-4" & a half sheet cake.

The half sheet cake died, so I had to salvage it as best I could. Therefore turned into a quarter sheet cake.

Please don't ask me how much I made of each because then I'll have to show you my excel spreadsheets and trust me you'll have nightmares... scary, scary nightmares of numbers.

I'm very in love with this cake. Mainly because it matched her so perfectly. She hates symmetry hence the different sizes.

I'm very very very in love with it. Let's hope you all fall in love as well :)

Without further ado........... why people visit blogs.... THE PICTURES. Let me know what you think.



Unknown said...

looks great! i bet it was yummy~

i want to see the spreadsheet :)

Myrien said...

Your cake is adorable! That color is amazing.

...But what did you eat that was stale?!

Noey said...

Thanks Myrien :) Croutons. yeesh.

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